
What We Do?

Удаление зубов, костная пластика, имплантация

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Профессиональная гигиена, отбеливание, лечение кариеса, эстетические реставрации зубов, лечение корневых каналов, перелечивание зубов с воспалением у верхушки.

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Лечение десен и костной ткани, окружающей зуб.

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It's crucial to check Children's Oral Health even more often, than the adults' teeth. A period of life from birth to the adolescence is probably the most important one with regard to a person's health. This is a period when kids lose baby teeth. This is a period of life when oral hygiene may be breached by a child and cause an infection, disease or simply dental caries. Also, this is the critical time to implement any cosmetic, restorative or straightening decisions early on. With our welcoming atmosphere and our friendly team of professionals, your kid will love sitting in a dentist's chair for once!

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We provide a wide range of services from urgent assistance to preventive care. Everything you need to be done with your tooth, can be done here at DentCare.